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Wix Web Designer Tips


As a Wix website designer, I often get questions from clients on how to perform certain tasks in Wix. While Wix has a great forum that is filled with answers, it's sometimes hard to find the most commonly answered questions with one clear, concise answer. These pages are dedicated to explaining some of the most common Wix questions that clients ask me. 


Do I need to resize images before uploading to my Wix website design to help with load time?

Updated Answer for 2022: 

No, you don't need to shrink down your images for Wix websites - this will NOT help speed up your Wix website load time.


As an expert Wix Designer and Wix SEO expert, I get this question a lot. One of the great things about Wix is that you DO NOT need to size down and optimize your images before uploading them to the website. In fact, Wix actually recommends uploading high-res images, as the Wix platform automatically compresses and resizes your images depending on the resolution needs of the viewer. So I don't need to optimizing images before uploading to my Wix website? That's right, you don't need to shrink down your images!


In a recent "How to Optimize Your Site for Core Web Vitals" webinar, one myth that Wix's Dan Shappir wanted to dispel is regarding the need to optimize the images before you upload them onto Wix. You do not need to resize the images' width and height to be as small as possible! This will NOT speed up your site and can actually do more harm than good.

In fact it's essentially the opposite – Wix automatically optimizes images and we do a really good job of it. Wix delivers the minimal amount of information to provide the best possible experience to your visitors. Wix automatically transforms images' format into Webp files ( .webp file extension is a file format developed by Google to reduce the size of images without having to sacrifice quality.) This format is supported by almost all browsers now, and Wix verifies that the browser actually supports it and if it does then Wix delivers the image using the .webp format instead which reduces images' overall download size by approximately twenty percent.


You do not need to resize your images, as Wix servers automatically resize them and clip it exactly to the needed size of that particular session, resulting in the optimal usage of data, making your website as fast as it can be dynamically for each viewer.


When uploading images to Wix, it is ok to use large images, but keep in mind that it is good to keep overall image file sizes under 8MB, which is way larger than any website image would need to be anyway! JPGs over 8MB are usually good for printing large banners but that type of resolution is not needed for websites.

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Use JPG Image format: (jpg=Joint Photographic Experts Group) 
One of the biggest recommendations (straight from Wix) is that you use JPGs for your image files. The JPG format can be served by Wix as "Progressive jpgs" which load progressively, meaning that they first load a low quality, and then as the site continues to load the image is rendered progressively into the best quality. This allows users to see your images faster. When you save your images, save them at high quality and let Wix do the work.




PNG Image Format: 
(png=Portable Network Graphics)

Wix also recommends limiting the use of PNGs, which is a different image format that allows for transparency. PNG format is a lossless image compression format that allows for a variety of transparency options. For example, you can have a logo PNG with transparency that will allow the background to show through around the logo, unlike JPGs, which the background is solid. PNGs are great for this reason, as you can have shapes and logos with transparency so that your website background color shows through. However, as PNGs are lossless, they are often larger files and cannot be served progressively, so it is best to use JPG whenever possible. 

This image shows a non-transparent JPG compared to a PNG image file with transparency, which shows the background around the shape. 

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