Wix SEO Tip: Using YouTube Videos
If you're using Wix, you'll be happy to know that Wix automatically removes related videos from the YouTube videos you embed. For good Wix SEO, putting lots of original videos, images and text content on your website about the search terms you want to be found for is essential. Uploading videos to a business YouTube channel and linking back to your site really helps with SEO as YouTube IS Google – so you're giving them more content to index and rank. The more the merrier for SEO! Want Wix SEO help? Contact us today for a free estimate »
If you're on another platform like Wordpress or Shopify, however, if you embed a YouTube video, you can no longer hide the related videos. However, you CAN have it only show videos from your channel. To do this, simply add ?rel=0 to the end of your embedded video link. So if it's: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7gZ8aAG4sNhZHsbFleXNxA
Then add: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7gZ8aAG4sNhZHsbFleXNxA?rel=0
Now, if embedding a video on your website, it will only show the videos in your channel (not outside third-party related videos). Cool! That's another reason I love the Wix platform, how it integrates YouTube videos seamlessly without ads or related videos from third-parties showing up when the video ends or is paused.
Here is an example below of how Wix embeds a YouTube video: