What’s the best way to save my website as a pdf?

What’s the best way to save my website as a pdf?
While there is no direct perfect method for creating a PDF from a website, you can get a nice clean JPG of each page. For the cleanest version of your site, you can get an image of each of your pages using the Full Page Screenshot App Chrome Extension – this will create a JPG of your entire page, looking exactly as designed, that you can then use to save out as PDFs from your image or design software (such as InDesign, Photoshop). Note, with tall vertical pages, you may want to break it up into multiple pages in a 8.5x11 PDF. I haven't found another solution for creating PDFs directly, there are a few out there such as PDF Mage Chrome Extension, but they don't seem to work well at all – the alignment of elements in the PDFs are off. You can also Print to PDF from your browser, but those too, don't always look perfect. As a Graphic Designer and Website Designer, I like to have more control over how PDFs look, so putting JPGs into InDesign and creating a multi-page doc to save as a PDF is the way I usually do it.
Happy designing!