Denver Website Design for a Garden Nursery
I wanted to announce the launch of my latest & favorite website designed to date:
This gorgeous Garden Nursery sadly isn't in Denver so I can visit regularly (they used to be in Colorado!) – Anderson's La Costa Nursery is located in Encinitas, California. I loved designing this beautiful website, complete with custom illustrations of mine. As part of my services I also included SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so they can be found, custom photo galleries that they can add to over time, a custom gift certificate purchasing form, and so much more. Mariah, the client, LOVES the editing platform as it's super easy for her to update the website, finding it simple to do anything from simple text edits to adding images to galleries or updating the specials, and adding the latest newsletter. We will be adding a blog soon as well so they can continue building their SEO momentum and help everyone from the San Diego area find their very special plant nursery.
If you are a garden nursery looking for a Website Designer who will treat you right, I LOVE working on Garden Nursery website design, as well as web and graphic design for any other landscaping, environmental, solar and other green businesses. Please reach out for a free estimate, I would love to help your business website shine!